NEC MediaPlayer Network

Manages all NEC MediaPlayers on the network that have their Browser Client connection enabled.

Manage and control devices

Allows you to control and apply settings to the devices in the NEC MediaPlayer network remotely.

Change name

Sets a unique name for the selected NEC MediaPlayer.

  1. Select one NEC MediaPlayer on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Change name] from the list of controls.

  3. Click in the field under [Input a device name].

  4. Type a name for the NEC MediaPlayer.

  5. Click the [Save] button.


Adjusts settings for the selected NEC MediaPlayer.

Note: the [Timers] and [Orientation] multiple choice options are not individual click buttons. Repeatedly click anywhere on the "button" to cycle through the options in the control box.

  1. Select one NEC MediaPlayer on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Settings] from the list of controls.

    • Timers - creates a working schedule for the monitor to control automatic power on and off at specific times of the day.

    • Brightness - adjusts the screen brightness. Move the slider control left or right to adjust this setting.

    • Volume - adjusts the monitor's sound level. Move the slider control left or right to adjust this setting.
    • Orientation - changes the orientation of the NEC MediaPlayer's interface. Only change this set setting if the interface does not match the monitor's installation orientation.
  3. Click the button [Update device settings].

    Note that if the [Orientation] is changed, the selected NEC MediaPlayer will restart.

Display ON/OFF

Immediately powers on or off the monitors for the selected NEC MediaPlayers.

  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Display ON/OFF] from the list of controls.

  3. Click either the [Turn ON] or [Turn OFF] button to immediately turn off the monitors.


Restarts the selected NEC MediaPlayer software.

  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Restart] from the list of controls.

  3. Click the button [Restart devices].

    Each NEC MediaPlayer selected will restart.


Reboots the selected NEC MediaPlayer device (Raspberry Pi compute module).

  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Reboot] from the list of controls.

  3. Click the button [Reboot devices].

    Each NEC MediaPlayer selected will reboot.

Take screenshot

Takes a screenshot of the selected NEC MediaPlayer's current screen.

  1. Select one NEC MediaPlayer on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Take a screenshot] from the list of controls.

  3. Click on the button [Take a screenshot].
    • To save the image, right-click on the image and select "save image as...".

    • To take another screenshot, click the [Take screenshot] button again.

Download logs

Downloads log files from the selected NEC MediaPlayers.

  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Download logs] from the list of controls.

  3. Click the [Download logs] button.


  • The NEC MediaPlayers must have [Playback logging remote access] enabled in their local NEC MediaPlayer settings for the Browser Client to be able to download the log files.

  • If [Playback logging] has not already been enabled for the selected NEC MediaPlayers, select toggle the control to [Yes] under [Enable logs for the Selected NEC MediaPlayers.]


Organizes NEC MediaPlayers into groups for easy selection. For example, if there are 10 NEC MediaPlayers on the network and three of them are in the Reception lobby, creating a label for Reception and assigning it to those three NEC MediaPlayers makes it easier to find and control those just those three devices in the devices list.

Adding a label
  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

    Note that whether or not a NEC MediaPlayer is selected at this step, when a label is created, it is available to be assigned to all NEC MediaPlayers on the network at any time.

  2. Select [Labels] from the list of controls.

  3. Click in the field and input a label name.

  4. Click [Create label].

  5. Click in the control next to the new label to toggle the label from [Off] to [On].

    All of the NEC MediaPlayers selected will now have this label.

Sorting by labels

After assigning labels to NEC MediaPlayer devices, use the labels to sort the list of NEC MediaPlayers on the network. Click the drop-down arrow next to [Labels] and select the label for the NEC MediaPlayers to show. The list of NEC MediaPlayers in the in network will immediately update and only those with that label assigned will show in the list.

Playback control

Controls active playing content on the selected NEC MediaPlayer.

  1. Select one NEC MediaPlayer on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Playback control] from the list of controls.

  3. Click on one of the playback controls to control the media playing.


Installs a Content Management System onto the NEC MediaPlayer device. This option clears the NEC MediaPlayer software from the Raspberry Pi Compute Module and cannot be undone.

  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [CMS] from the list of controls.

  3. Select the preferred CMS then click [Install].


Removes the selected NEC MediaPlayers from the NEC MediaPlayer network.

  1. Select one or more NEC MediaPlayers on the left side of the window.

  2. Select [Remove] from the list of controls.

  3. Click [Unlink].


  • Clicking [Unlink] does not disable the Browser Client connection for the selected NEC MediaPlayers; it simply removes them from the NEC MediaPlayer network. To connect to them again, you will need to create a username and password and then login.

Add new devices

Click on the [Add new devices] button to show other NEC MediaPlayer devices connected to the LAN.

Select to add them to your NEC MediaPlayer network. After they appear in this list, they can be managed through the Browser Client.

Note: a NEC MediaPlayer device can only be added to one NEC MediaPlayer network. It cannot be a part of multiple NEC MediaPlayer networks. It will not appear as an available device to be added to another network after it has been added to one after following the instructions in this section.